Video interface
Profanity delay

Profanity delay

Do you need to prevent expletives, obscene gestures, wardrobe malfunctions, bloopers, competitor mentions, coughing fits or technical problems from making it to air?

Our flexible video and audio profanity delays will help you control what you broadcast.

The allow a live content stream to be delayed, giving your operator time to react and prevent the broadcast of unwanted or offensive video or audio material.

Control is simple and intuitive – using either a computer GUI or a smart button box.

From the Vision frame system, choose the M-CLEANIT – a software app that runs on the MARBLE-V1 media processor. It can work with IP (ST 2022), with SDI or with both IP and SDI at the same time. This gives you the easiest possible SDI to IP upgrade, while also making it perfect for mixed SDI and IP installations as well as fully IP and fully SDI environments.

From the Indigo frame system, choose Cleanit - available in different versions to suit both simple and more elaborate requirements.

Have a look at our Indigo and Vision profanity delays comparison chart to help you decide which one is best for your application.


Vision frame system

IP/SDI profanity delay

  • M-CLEANIT IP/SDI profanity delay software appM-CLEANIT IP/SDI profanity delay – software app which runs on the MARBLE-V1 media processor

Media processor hardware

  • MARBLE-V1 media processorMARBLE-V1 media processor hardware which runs Crystal Vision's software apps, with connectivity for up to four 10GbE, six SDI inputs/outputs and eight AES inputs/outputs

Indigo frame system

Profanity delays

  • Cleanit profanity delay systemCleanit 3G/HD/SD profanity delay system